2007 – Songwriter, Acoustic, Alt-country
Giancarlo Frigieri’s invitation reported in these record is the classic case where one exclaims: “Take or leave!”
“Close your eyes, think about beauty” indeed leaves no room for perplexity, being a work that has its strength in the atmosphere that characterizes it entirely. Recorded in a single night, it reveals a world that so many have already sung in this way (from Johnny Cash to Neil Young, via the Bruce Springsteen of “Nebraska” rather than Will Oldham or Songs: Ohia and a hundred others), but to which Giancarlo knows how to add a personal touch that makes it at least unique. Then again, we are dealing with a character who since a long time has already demonstrated his ability to write songs while codifying, however, each time and exclusively in his own way, those indie-rock stereotypes from which he took his cues (Lou Barlow and company above all).
his time the goal is different, both in intent and with respect to the final result, because the electric dimension – but more generally the (somewhat reassuring) rock dimension – makes way for acoustic atmospheres that refer precisely to the names mentioned before. A step that, to be honest, we did not expect, but understandable if we reconsider the end of the experience that until some time ago had seen him in the leading role. Thus, we do not know whether it is a fluke or an event-related necessity, but the material released is of a rare beauty. In addition to fine songs, the lead’s performance excites for the entire duration of the record, as if he has at once learned the lessons of the masters.
1. Clouds
2. Ocean child
3. Close your eyes
4. Motherland
5. She brings me down
6. Another sort of murder
7. Think about beauty 8. Blood of eden 9. Leaves your mind
10. The dead children song