Sonata a Kreuzberg

Released on Nov. 16, 2018, for the Florence’s historic Contempo Records label, is Sonata a Kreuzberg, an album of Massimo Zamboni together with Angela Baraldi on vocals and Cristiano Roversi on piano and rhythm. For the occasion, the musician, writer and founder of CCCP fedeli alla linea and CSI put aside his guitar and took up his bass.

Soundtrack of the play Nessuna voce dentro – Berlino millenovecentocentottantuno, based on the novel of the same name published by Einaudi in 2017, Sonata a Kreuzberg collects and reworks in a completely new form and without nostalgic drifts great masterpieces from those years on the back (in a broad sense) of 1981, when Zamboni decided to spend his summer in Berlin, to which are added four unreleased tracks: two made by Zamboni and two made by Roversi. Because the songs on the album – black-and-white reinterpretations, bare as bones, cleaned of the aesthetic excesses of those years to bring out their contemporary character – are not just pearls of a musical history, rather they are the most significant songs for Massimo’s youth and his Berlin experience.

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  1. Unterwegs (inedito: Cristiano Roversi)
  2. Alabama song (Weill – Brecht)
  3. Ein dunkel Herr (inedito: Massimo Zamboni)
  4. Der Räuber und der Prinz (D.A.F.)
  5. In the garden (Einstürzende Neubauten)
  6. Afraid (Nico)
  7. Pazl ist tot (Fehlfarben)
  8. Bette Davis eyes (Kim Carnes)
  9. Hundsgemein (Ideal)
  10. Kebab Träume (D.A.F.)
  11. Berlin (Lou Reed)
  12. Superfly (inedito: Cristiano Roversi)
  13. Allarme (CCCP)
  14. La città imperiale (inedito: Massimo Zamboni)
No song in album

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