A strapiombo

Genres: Folk, Rock

Strapiombo is an album of the Reggio Emilian folk-rock band Lassociazione, released in 2012.

“This record simply tells our days, overhanging, half bust, out of the weather of the world. Because overhanging is not a guilt to accept or something to not understand but a truth without subterfuge.
Doesn’t a rock have to be more embedded than ever to remain overhanging for centuries in the void? And shouldn’t an oak tree that has been attached to the cliff for decades without falling have deeper roots? A cliff therefore like condition of life, yes suffered, but still more alive and present of so many other situations in the course of the history, with the awareness that the hope is not half asleep from the torpor that the modern world can condition the value of the song.
We like to define A strapiombo exploratory disc, continuation of Aforismi but on roads that will tend to distance themselves.”

read more on official website


  1. Santa Maria
  2. Valentino
  3. Vorrei cantare la vita
  4. Me i sun c’me sun
  5. Zichin
  6. Vustida
  7. Fuochi nella notte (di San Giovanni)
  8. In cimbali
  9. Via di bandita
  10. Al ciel an’ghimporta

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Massimo Zamboni,

Erik Montanari,

Gianfranco Fornaciari,

Ginevra di Marco.

No song in album

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