Detachment is as necessary as being involved. The important thing is the measure, the balanced approach between telling and participating: telling without judgments and participating by blending well. I like Frigieri, I like the punctuated words, for you to listen to the songs to hear what’s inside, what’s true that is true for you too, I like that “erre” that I habitually can’t stand but here you almost don’t pay attention to it, that he carries it with detachment: here, detachment, celebrated in this album with beautiful lyrics, with facts narrated from points of view placed far away or down and for this, after all, universal. From the death of Kurt Cobain that opens the album in “Taglialegna” and the line “E tutti quegli slogan bellicosi sulle t-shirt dei gruppi americani non sanno spaventare più neanche i nostri figli, ora ci fanno da pigiami” that makes me smile and reminds me of nights spent wearing a Nirvana t-shirt where a swear word in English stood out and which my mother, who taught English, found decidedly out of place. The age that passes and we don’t want to notice it and the assault of time on our immature desires of “Fotografie” which reads out “Ti troverai a dire l’altro giorno intendendo più di un anno fa”, with the harmonica in the foreground, and the title track about love melting away, an ending and the detachment that here really becomes necessary, essential, absolute.
The words capture, grab, and conquer, but underneath the music flows that is guitar backed by the rest, that is singer-songwriter combat rock (“Gorizia”), is incursion of horns like the saxophone of “Il Fruttivendolo con la Maglietta dei Metallica” (fantastic title), and is classic Italian songbook balladry as well (take “Neve,” as well as “Terra”): there is no shortage of instrumental track, “Strisce Pedonali”, chaos and then stillness, more waiting than quiet, and a psychedelic drift.
Recorded by Andrea Sologni (Gazebo Penguins) in his Igloo Factory, “Distacco” is a pleasant transition between Giancarlo Frigieri’s ideas, between his exact little phrases and paced words, between storytelling and participation, in between, there, where everything becomes, little more or little less, the point of view you also possess.