La musica della poesia

Genres: Folk, Country

“Anima montanara – La musica della poesia” is born from a project of the classic guitarist Francesco Boni, and will be brought on the stage on Wednesday May 18, to the Bismantova Theater of Castelnovo Monti.
Anima Montanari is a poem of Umberto Monti which introduces the listener in a world of authentic emotions lead by landscapes, also interiors, of the mountains of the reggiano ridge. My project borrows its title to underline the will to pay tribute in an unconventional way to the words of the souls born in this land from nostalgia’s though. In this musical journey some authors’ poems become songs and are clothed in a new auditory and emotional language, others remain poetic compositions that are told in their most spontaneous form, the recited word.
In the musical work on the texts has been kept in big consideration the respect of the literary’ s structure of the poetic component which we still find intact down to the smallest details in song.
Performance of singing, imagery and storytelling. Music of Francesco Boni. Images of James Bragazzi. Poems of Umberto Monti, Ralfo Monti, Silvio Leoncelli, Danilo Parmeggiani, Domenico Notari.Testi di Emanuele Ferrari played by Roberto Mercati.Voci: Cristina Calzolari, Paolo Romei, Francesco Boni. Guitars: Francesco Boni, Marco Baroncini, Carlo Mastropietro. Clarinet and saxophone by Davide Castellari, accordion of Mirko Ferrarini.


1. Anima Montanara
2. Bello D’Amore
3. Frole e Baggi
4. Rime Di Nostalgia
5. Il Pecoraio
6. Canzone Di Santa Maria Maddalena
7. Per Una Festa Su Un Monte
8. Ecco S’en Torna Il 24 Luglio
9. Picchia Picchia La Porticella
10. Viaggio Da Qui Alla Maremma
11. Il Maggio

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