Libere Correnti Dorsali

Genres: Folk, Rock

Libere correnti dorsali (Free Dorsal Currents) is an album of the folk-rock band Lassociazione, released in 2014.

“In this record is the Apennine ridge that supports our songs, makes them electric in a right form and delivers them to Italy in a stimulating journey that goes from the north to the south of the peninsula.
We Apennines that have always been border between east and west watershed of a western and eastern world for millennia now find ourselves in a new dimension, roads and mountains connecting the north and south of Europe.
Therefore we like to define “Libere correnti dorsali” a “border” disc, a frontier manifesto with a look at an Italy that will never be explained enough.”

read more on official website


  1. I Mik (l’urijin dal mund)
  2. Ho stima delle cose
  3. L’amore come si dice
  4. Al mat
  5. N’è brisa chi
  6. Sabbia e malcontento
  7. L’ultimo elefante
  8. FIlo conduttore
  9. Al reml
  10. Sedici

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band members

Marco Mattia Cilloni: vocal, acoustic and electric guitar, bouzouki, mandolin
Luigi Vittorio Cavalli Cocchi: drums, percussion
Francesco Ottani: vocal
Gianfranco Fornaciari: Hammond organ, Wurlitzer piano, Minimoog, piano, chorus
Filippo Chieli: viola, violin
Marcello Ghirri: Banjo, Resonator guitar
Massimo Guidetti: trumpet, flugelhorn
Andrea Torresani: bass, electric and acoustic double bass

On collaboration with: Erik Montanari on electric guitar, Daniele Sironi on pedal steel guitar, Christian Rebecchi on bodhran and Luciana Buttazzo on vocals.

No song in album

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