Tabula rasa elettrificata

Bands: C.S.I. EN

«Tabula Rasa Elettrificata is a record dedicated to Mongolia. It isn’t an exotic record, even less ethnological or folkloric. Maybe it is the only rock record in the history of the CCCP/C.S.I.» (Giovanni Lindo Ferretti)

“An amazing record. I think that all the tracks are very interesting, but especially Brace, Tabula Rasa Elettrificata e Forma E Sostanza. In Bolormaa there is a wonderful phrase : ““Monito terrorista che la retta è per chi ha fretta” and also Matrilineare with its graft of voices is a track that impressed me. Tabula Rasa Elettrificata is, to summarized, an apocalyptic record. To be careful at the use of this word with its original meaning of revelation. A record that belongs to a Nordic existential conception, with an idea of revolution not in its destructive sense. A revolutionary record.” (Franco Battiato)

The album takes its inspiration from a trip to Mongolia of Giovanni Lindo Ferretti and Massimo Zamboni, undertaken via the Trans-Siberian Railway and from which a book, In Mongolia in retromarcia, was also adapted. A film made by Davide Ferrario, Sul 45º parallelo, and a series of documentaries for Geo & Geo (Rai 3) directed by Marco Preti were also made from that trip.


Lyrics by Giovanni Lindo Ferretti.

1. Unità di produzione (music: Zamboni, Maroccolo)
2. Brace (music: Zamboni, Maroccolo, Magnelli)
3. Forza e sostanza (music: Zamboni, Maroccolo, Magnelli)
4. Vicini (music: Maroccolo, Magnelli, Zamboni)
5. Ongii (music: Zamboni, Maroccolo)
6. Gobi (music: Zamboni)
7. Bolormaa (music: Magnelli, Maroccolo)
8. Accade (music: Maroccolo, Zamboni)
9. Matrilineare (music: Magnelli, Zamboni, Maroccolo)
10. Mimporta ‘nasega

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