Luciano Riccardo Ligabue (born in Correggio 13 March 1960) is an Italian singer-songwriter, guitarist, director, writer, screenwriter and record producer.
He is one of the most successful Italian artists and has received two Tenco Plates, a Tenco Prize, a Premio Le parole della musica and a Lunezia Prize for the musical-literary value of the album Miss Mondo. With 165,264 people in Campovolo, in 2005, it also held the European record of paying spectators for a concert of a single artist, being surpassed in 2017 by the Modena Park 2017 by Vasco Rossi.
He has won in the over thirty years of career more than sixty awards for his musical activity, five awards for writing and finally twelve honors for his film activity.
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read the biography on the artist’s official website
BIBLIOGRAPHY – Luciano Ligabue in the Ospizio Library
Vivere a orecchio : Ligabue si racconta a Riccardo Bertoncelli. – Firenze : Giunti, 2005.
Scusate il disordine / Luciano Ligabue. – Torino : Einaudi, 2016.
Il rumore dei baci a vuoto / Luciano Ligabue. – Torino : Einaudi, 2012.
La neve se ne frega / Luciano Ligabue. – Milano : Feltrinelli, 2004.
Fuori e dentro il borgo / Luciano Ligabue. – Milano : Baldini & Castoldi, 1997.