With a 20-year career behind it and more than a thousand concerts throughout Europe, Giardini di Mirò has been a landmark of the Italian independent scene since the early 2000s. Its sound is a mix of psychedelia, post-rock, electronic music, shoegaze and noise.
Giardini di Mirò was born in the province of Reggio Emilia, specifically in Cavriago, a small town just few minutes from the city center, whose honorary mayor has been Vladimir Lenin since 1917. The historic core of the lineup, which has remained unchanged since its inception, includes Corrado Nuccini, Jukka Reverberi, Mirko Venturelli, Emanuele Reverberi and Luca di Mira. Lorenzo Cattalani replaced drummer Francesco Donadello. Over the years, Alessandro Raina, Andrea Mancin, Andrea Sologni and Laura Loriga have also joined the band.
The project was born in 1994 when Corrado Nuccini and Giuseppe Camuncoli, a cartoonist currently known for his work with Marvel Comics, decided to play together, but only with the entry of Jukka, Mirko, Emanuele and Luca was the band ready to record their first EP “Iceberg.” From that moment in the history of Giardini di Mirò albums, concerts and tours follow one another.
The discography is rich: five official albums, “Rise and fall of Academic Drifting” (2001), “Punk…Not Diet! ” (2003), “Dividing Opinions” (2007), “Good Luck” (2012) and “Different Times” (2018); two works for silent movies “Fire” (2010) and “Satanic Rhapsody” (2014); a soundtrack for “Blood, Death Doesn’t Exist” (2005) directed by Libero De Renzo with Elio Germano; and a myriad of Ep’s, singles, remixes released by labels all over the world, collaborating with various artists such as Apparat, Piano Magic, Sophia, Sara Low, Hood, Isan, Paul Anderson and many others.
The latest album, “Different Times” (Nov. 2018), produced by Giacomo Fiorenza, stems from at least two years of work and represents the sum of all the band’s different styles, balanced between post-rock, electronica and psychedelia. The album is released at the same time as the book of the same name published by Crac Edizioni, written by Marco Braggion and containing the entire history of the band, from its beginnings to its latest work.
(Official website of the band, the translation by Ospizio Library)