Per Grazia Ricevuta EN

Per Grazia Ricevuta, PGR, was born on June 29, 2001, in Monte Sole (near Marzabotto, in the province of Bologna). On this occasion former C.S.I. members gather to celebrate the figure of Fr. Giuseppe Dossetti.
Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Giorgio Canali, Gianni Maroccolo, Francesco Magnelli and Ginevra Di Marco, who after the final exit from the nucleus of founder Massimo Zamboni had announced that they wanted to move forward under a new acronym, thus gave birth to PGR.
The group’s new musical formula is developed through its collaboration with Hector Zazou: together with the French producer at the end of 2001, PGR was recorded, an album released in 2002 that marked a shift toward electronic and world music and a very clear break from C.S.I. rock.
In 2003 MONTESOLE, an album from the recording of the June 29, 2001, evening, was released, and in March the group embarked on a theatrical tour. In December 2003, on the eve of working on the new album, the departure of Francesco Magnelli and Ginevra Di Marco from the group was announced. The group, now made up of Ferretti, Maroccolo and Canali-hence the new acronym PGR3-records D’ANIME E D’ANIMALI in this new lineup, which is released in early July 2004, on the eve of the start of a summer tour.
At the end of 2007 the group announced for April 2009 the release of a new, and final, studio album, which would be the prelude to PGR’s final dissolution: and indeed ULTIME NOTIZIE already in its title confirms its meaning as a farewell step.
In 2010, surprisingly, CONFUSIONE was released, an album of reworkings of old songs, chosen, produced and reinvented together with Franco Battiato.
